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Rocori Baseball Program to Host Camp On April 2

The ROCORI baseball program has been a tradition of excellence for several years.A direct reason for this success is because of the commitment to excelling at a young age.To help continue this rich tradition of excellence, the ROCORI baseball program is proud to announce that they will be offering a baseball camp for all players in grades 3rd-8th grade.The camp will be held on Sunday, April 2nd, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (parent meeting at 8:45 a.m.) at the ROCORI High School and Middle School gyms. The purpose of this camp is to teach future ROCORI baseball stars the key ingredients towards helping them to become better baseball players.

The sessions over the course of the day will focus on the following components of baseball:

  1. Fundamentals of throwing

  2. Fundamentals of pitching

  3. Fundamentals of hitting

  4. Fundamentals of catching

  5. Fundamentals of fielding (IF & OF)

  6. Proper baseball specific stretching techniques

  7. Proper arm care

  8. Limiting injuries down the road

  9. Baseball specific strength and conditioning exercises (off-season specific)

The instructors of the camp will be current and former coaches of the ROCORI baseball program along with current and former ROCORI baseball players and alumni.

The cost of the camp is based on each session.That cost will include:

Session #1:All players Grades 3rd-8th:9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.=$30.00

  • Camp T-shirt

  • Camp Notes

  • Beverages and snacks during breaks

  • Prizes

Session #2:All Pitchers & Catchers Grades 5th-8th : 12:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m= $25.00

  • Camp T-shirt

  • Camp Notes

  • Lunch

  • Prizes

Sign-up can be for a single session or both sessions combined.

The registration deadline for the camp is Monday, March 27th, 2017

For a more detailed breakdown of the camp and registration information, go to:

You can also contact Jeff Illies (ROCORI Varsity Baseball) at 320-333-8622.


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